Cryosat L2 Data Availability from Kiruna

Cryosat performance is monitored from Level-2 data products provided by the ESA IPF processing centre at Kiruna. Data has been monitored since the start of the operational phase (18-Oct-2010) and this site shows output from all available versions of the IPF processors:

A reprocessing of the full mission using Baseline-B of the IPF processor was completed in December 2013. Baseline-C became operational in April 2015 and products from previous baselines were reprocessed to this baseline. Baseline-D became operational in April 2019 and products were reprocessed to this baseline. Baseline-E became operational in August 2021 and is the current baseline.

This page shows the latest data availability status for each product type.

View Availability for:
Latest 30-days Per Data Take Since Start of Operational Phase


Availability of the most recent 30-days of GDR-A data from the ESA ftp server.

Note that there is a 30-day delay after acquistion before GDR data is processed by the IPF (due to processing of precise orbit data) and there may be an additional delay of a few days before the IPF completes L2 processing.

GDR Availability


Availability of the most recent 30-days of L2i data from the ESA ftp server:

L2I Availability

on behalf of ESA

+ 31 days